At SHAKOTAN peninsula, located approx. 110km away to the west from Sapporo, the season for sea urchin fishing has started.
For a seafood lover such as myself, this gives me another reason (or excuse?) to go out :)
2 kinds of sea urchin are available in Hokkaido; Murasaki-Uni & Bafun-Uni (Uni = Sea urchin)
It depends on personal preferences, but by far, Bafun-Uni is said to be more tasty and popular than the other.
You'd also notice at restaurants that Bafun-Uni costs about 1.5 times more than the other.
I suggest you go with Bafun-Uni though (I would, too), because we both know that we deserve the best, right?
It takes about a 3-hour drive to get to SHAKOTAN from Sapporo, which can cost you a whole day to make a round-trip from the city.
If that's a little too far for you, we know good spots within the Sapporo area too so don't hesitate to contact us!